60th Annual

Western New York

Armed Forces Celebration

"Diamond Jubilee"

May 3 - 9, 2020

Buffalo, New York

60th Annual Western New York Armed Forces Week 2020

Presented by the

 Western New York

Armed Forces Committee

since 1960

as a tribute to the men and women

of the United States Armed Forces .

This year our COAST GUARD Members

are hosting the week's events




Link to 2020 web pages


Other Links:


WNY Armed Forces Week 2020

WNYAFW Sponsorship Applicaton (pdf)

Nomination form for WNYAFW SPOY (pdf)  

WNY Armed Forces Week Poster Uncle Sam  BW

WNYAFW Tribute Book Support (pdf)

WNY Armed Forces Week Poster Uncle Sam Color

Send Your Tribute Book Ad Here

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2019 (last year)  WNYAFW Tribute Book Supporters

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Contact Tribute Book Committee

WNYAFW Luncheon Ticket by Mail Form (Word)


WNYAFW Ball Ticket by Mail For (Word) Contact for WNYAFW Public Affairs

WNYAFW Luncheon Ticket by echeck


WNYAFW Ball Ticket by echeck

Contact for 2019  AFW Luncheon & Ball Tickets

WNYAFW Lunch Ticket credit card sales (additional fee)

Contact for WNY AFW Website

WNYAFW Ball Ticket credit card sales (additional fee) The United States Flag