Western New York
Armed Forces Celebration
"Diamond Jubilee"
May 20, 2023
Buffalo, New York
on the activities of the
60th Western New York Armed Forces Week 2023
Presented by the
Western New York Armed Forces Committee
since 1960
as a tribute to the men and women
of the United States Armed Forces
This year our MARINE CORPS Members
are hosting this year's event
We are proud to join nation wide celebrations of
United States ARMED FORCES DAY May 20, 2023
Schedule of Events 2023
Tuesday, 09 May 2023
Dinner at 1800 hours - Meeting at 1830 hours
Meeting at 1830 hours
Fr. Justin Knights of Columbus,
2735 Union Rd. Cheektowaga, NY 14227
WNY Armed Forces Week
Ball and Awards
20 May 2023
6 pm
Cocktails (cash bar) - 1800 hours
Sit-down Dinner - 1830 hours
Joseph'sCatering Service
275 Columbia Avenue
Depew, New York 14043
WNYAFW Awardees Group Photograph
2023 Western New York Armed Forces Week Committee
Civilian Chairman
Honorable Frank Caruso, Judge Supreme Court
General Chairman
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Michel Niezgoda, United States Marine Corps
Chief of Staff
Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Whelan, United States Marine Corps, Retired
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Walther, United States Army, Retired
Senior Enlisted Advisor
First Sergeant Christopher Schreiber, United States Marine Corps
Permanent Chairmen
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Sparacino,United States Army, Retired
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Patrick Morrow, United States Marine Corps, Retired
Budget Director Treasurer
Master Sergeant Jeff Gray, United States Air Force
Ball Co-Chairmen
Lieutenant Colonel Forrest, United States Air Force
Major William Marlowe,
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Patrick Morrow, United States Marine Corps, Retired
First Sergeant Robert Bremer, United States Marine Corps, Retired
Lieutenant Colonel Dan Walther, United States Army, Retired
Ticket Chairman
Lieutenant Commander George Boller, United States Navy, Retired
Tribute Book
Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Whelan, United States Marine Corps, Retired
Marine Science Technician Chief Petty Officer Ken Kobylanski, United States Coast Guard, Retired
Mrs. Lynn Kobylanski
Awards Committee
Commander Wayne Sorrentino, United States Navy, Retired
Commissioned Warrant Officer 5 John Cardarella, NYSRL
Committee Members
Major John Millane
, United States Marine Corps, RetiredChief Warrant Officer 4 William Dickman, United States Marine Corps, Retired
Photographers Mate Chief Petty Officer Thomas Kelly, United States Navy. Retired
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